
The Chair of Transport Ecology at TU Dresden’s “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences led an expert conference on September 15, 2021, where the many aspects of a true turnaround in transport policy were discussed. All participants agreed that replacing combustion engines with environmentally friendly alternatives and striving to become as climate-neutral as possible is by no means sufficient. A transformation in transport policy must encompass all modes of transport and all areas of society. It is much more radical than has been discussed so far. To this end, a “Dresden Declaration on Transforming Transport Policy” has been adopted. The main concern is upholding human mobility now and in the future. This is why transport policy, planning and many other aspects need to be reconsidered and realized in a different way than they are today.



  1. 在交通领域,所有行动均以保障移动出行为首要目标:既为当今本国民众,也为他国国民及子孙后代。移动出行意味着人们必须能够适当、安全、畅通无阻地到达异地,从而满足上班、求学、购物、就医、买药、探亲访友和休闲娱乐等各种需求,必须确保良好的交通可达性。

  2. 从社会视角来看,其中关键是满足人们的基本需求(餐饮、居住、工作、学习、交流、休憩、运动),并确保所有地区和民众群体的上述需求都能得到满足。至于哪些群体的哪些移动出行需求应被归类为“已适当满足”或“尚未适当满足”,应由社会各方通过协商来达成一致。科学技术则为此提供所需的数据、程序和各种解决方案。

  3. 行动目标一旦明确,接下来便应以最低的交通成本来满足这些在政治上被认为是“适当的”移动出行需求:此为次要目标。最低的交通成本是指尽可能低的私人成本和社会成本;而这包括生态成本、时间、财政与自然资源、噪音和空气污染排放、事故、用地、温室气体排放、废弃物等。如今,许多上述成本和损害正在转移给其他人、其他国家和其他世代(外部成本)。

  4. 基于我们所掌握的知识,当今的交通规划设计尤应做到“真正的气候中和”,并与能源转型结合起来。在实际规划设计公路、铁路、航空和水运交通时,必须摆脱石油、汽油、柴油、煤油及其他化石燃料,同时让各生态系统都能继续可持续发展。

  5. 以往的交通规划和交通政策往往以追求“更轻便、更顺畅”的交通——即更具吸引力的机动化交通——为目标。而这也导致了交通服务的迅猛增长。然而,人们却忽视了由此能够实现哪些目标(以及交通如何影响到这些目标的状况和性质)。如今从提高交通吸引力向保障移动出行的转变,正是“弃交通而向出行转型”的核心内容。

  6. 目前之交通无法满足这些(及其他)条件,因而总体上也无法实现“可持续发展”。因此,交通必须变革,也必将变革。在这条变革之路上,必须坚持不懈地采取各种推动和抑制措施(推动和拉动),事先设定各项成功指标,并对进展成果进行监控。

  7. 交通如要做到公平、高效、气候中和、安全、清洁及人性化,就必须将各种外部影响因素纳入到各交通系统的定价制度中。只有始终依据真实成本来定价,才能进行目标明确的创新,改变行为、用途和框架,进而降低私人成本和社会成本,实现公平公正的社会分配。必须停止将诸多成本以外部成本形式转移给其他人、其他国家和其他世代的做法。

  8. 当下的法规、路径依赖、总体环境和机构网络阻碍了朝这个方向所做的努力。为此,在策略上应首先采用避免交通量、转移交通量和改善交通的原则,并与土地空间规划、经济政策、社会政策、健康医疗政策、财政政策等紧密结合。其中,邻近性、密度、混合用途和弹性是策略性目标。而成果则是高品质的生活和充满活力的城市与乡村。

  9. 为此采取的所有步骤都必须与相关各方一起,共同制定、商讨和实施。为了具体明确各项步骤,需要准备好三种类型的基本数据:

    • 人们可以在哪些地方并且如何满足移动出行需求?

    • 现实中人们是在哪些地方并且如何移动的?

    • 相关各方如何评估形势?认为哪里存在不足?

  10. 所有的规划、评估和决策不仅要考虑到当下交通使用者的利益,而且还应兼顾相关 “其他人”、“其他空间”和“其他世代”的利益。所有解决方案尤其应能放之四海而皆可用:假如未来全球民众的行为始终都与当下现有交通使用者的行为一般无二,那么这些解决方案还需考虑到可持续发展的限度问题。


Udo Becker bears full legal responsibility in terms of the German Press Law (V.i.S.d.P), c/o TU Dresden, Transport Ecology, Hettnerstraße 1, 01069 Dresden

You can download the declaration here.


First Signatories

I hereby undersign the Dresden Declaration, dated September 15, 2021:

  1. Baldauf, Rosemarie; Dipl.-Ing., Mobility Researcher, Dresden
  2. Becker, Thilo; Dr.-Ing., City of Offenburg
  3. Becker, Udo; Prof. Dr.-Ing., Chair of Transport Ecology, TU Dresden
  4. Borken-Kleefeld, Jens; Dr., Laxenburg, Austria
  5. Bosserhoff, Dietmar; Dr., Gustavsburg
  6. Bracher, Tilman; Transportation Scientist, Berlin
  7. Clarus, Elke; Dipl.-Ing., Transportation Scientist, Dresden
  8. Dziekan, Katrin; Dr., Berlin
  9. Eckart, Jochen; Prof. Dr., Chair of Transport Ecology, Hochschule Karlsruhe
  10. Francke, Angela; Prof. Dr., Chair of Cycling and Sustainable Mobility, University of Kassel
  11. Gather, Matthias; Prof. Dr., Chair of Transport Policy and Spatial Planning, Fachhochschule Erfurt
  12. Gerike, Regine; Prof. Dr.-Ing., Chair of Integrated Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, TU Dresden
  13. Gerlach, Julia; Dipl.-Wi.-Ing., Dresden
  14. Glock, Jan Peter; M. Sc., Transport Ecologist, TU Dresden
  15. Hartl, Richard; Dipl.-Wi.-Ing., Mobility Researcher, Dresden
  16. Höfler, Frank; Prof. Dr.-Ing., Department of Mobility Planning at the Institute for City Planning, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
  17. Huber, Stefan; Dr.-Ing., Transportation Scientist, Dresden
  18. Krieg, Michael; Dr., "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, TU Dresden
  19. Lißner, Sven; Dr.-Ing., Mobility Researcher, Dresden
  20. Porojkow, Iwan; Dipl.-Ing., Mobility Researcher, Dresden
  21. Probst, Gerhard; Dipl.-Volkswirt, Managing Director of Probst & Consorten Marketing Consultancy, Dresden
  22. Rau, Andreas; Munich
  23. Richter, Falk; Dr.-Ing., Transportation Scientist, Dresden
  24. Rußig, Roswita; Dipl.-Ing., Dresden
  25. Schlag, Bernhard; Prof. Dr. phil. habil., Chair of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, TU Dresden
  26. Schmidt, Wolfram; Dresden
  27. Schwedes, Oliver; Prof. Dr., Department of Integrated Transport Planning, Institute for Land and Marine Traffic, TU Berlin
  28. Völlings, Andreas; Dresden Institute for Traffic and Environment, Dresden


Other signatories.

All signatures reflect the opinion of the respective individual.

To support this declaration, add your name to list of signatories. Your name will then be included in the list of other signatories on our website.